BIG Project for the IMO STATE -

                      green electric to produce Hydrogen 

                                for Nigeria - EU - Germany

 With above Energy we want to produce at first energy for the new City

and second to produce with green energy Wasserstoff/Hydrogen/ Ammoniak

for EU and Germany - From this we want the bag payment for the Credit 

to our world wide partner- 

                     Here is a need about 50.000 MWH

 To safe Nigeria for coocking Gas and for some oils, and to earn Money for the back payments to the busines Partner.                                          with little Church in Industrie area

 Tha some system we start 2022 in Egypt - to produce Hydrogen for Germany

 But this deal stop about Corona problems world wide

we want to restart again

Also for sales with Fruit - Vegetables - Granulate 

The first drilling in Delta area für the photo Voltaic

The  Solar feeld in the area to safe the  vegetables for sunnshine and to safe Water about instal wateringsystem

 Here we plan also a big project in Egypt - Nile Delta 7With our Partner and Company in Egypt

Delivery from fruit and vegetables in to Germn and EU market

To produce Hydrogen with the above energy producer  

The cost for the Project in  Egypt  500.000.000.- €

The cost for the Projekt in Nigeria 300.000.000.-€

                     Granulate  Fruit  Vegetables out of the nice NILE DELTA  from our Partner - Gouda Company

                               We hop we are able to restart our lost project about the big Corona Problem 2022 

 The part of the back payment for the Investment Credit  ist the

delivery from OIL Bonny ligth 






and out of the prodruct Hydrogen/Wasserstoff 

or in Ammoniak about easy transport to Germany

for the Projects we need          20.000 MWH

to produce green Hydrogen   40.000 MWH

To pruce from natural GAZ  we have to check