Touristic for Africa and for the nice Country IMO STATE Nigeria
NIGERIA IMO STATE start a big project for Touristic in very nice country and safe Country
with 3 Star up to 5 Star Hotels with a big Aquarium - Garden - many places for Childs and her parrents
WE have verry big agrar Land
and our people workimg strong
every wher and in our agrar feelds
And we will establish a verry big Uni for agrar engineers for 5000 Student and 500 technic Student
This kind of big aquqrium we try to start for africa and the tourist in IMO STATE
We are in discussion with world wide biggest Tourisme group to arange the best places in IMO State
CITC WE do every thing for our tourist and friends in IMO STATE you be safe by us
Partner in IMO STATE are long time working to produce Ceramic products
We will use the big pit with the clay material for one production for Home
ceramic- industrial ceramic in a new factory - for africa market und the export in world market
Here the start project to show the beginning we do in all of our projects
but we start ready with IMO STATE power and NAT.itg Engelbert Rausch and some Partner Company